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Commentary on tobacco, cannabis and public health

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Juul identified “thought leaders” and rated collaborators in 2018

The Juul documents that have been released so far contain an interesting document that lists people Juul considered “thought leaders” as of February 9, 2018. The spreadsheet contains several pages that suggest how Juul came up with this list. Another April 13, 2018 spreadsheet lists Juul’s “ratings of collaborators”: StatNews did a strong story on…

Surprise! PM and BAT condemn ANVISA decision to keep e-cigarettes out of Brazil

Philip Morris and BAT both issued statements condemning ANVISA’s decision to maintain and strengthen e-cigarette regulations to keep the products (and other ENDS products) out of Brazil. Not surprisingly, they use the same generic arguments Big Tobacco uses against almost all regulations. The reality is that, as I noted in my post congratulating ANVISA, while…

Brazil strengthens its ban on ENDS, including e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products

On Friday, April 19, 2024, the board of ANVISA, the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency strengthened its already-strong ban on electronic nicotine systems (ENDS), which includes e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products. In stark contrast to the US Biden Administration, which just caved to industry pressure and blocked the FDA’s well-conceived ban on menthol cigarettes and flavored…

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